Company Overview
Company Name | Pelican Co., Ltd. |
Founded | 1948 |
Address | 4-7-4 Kotobuki, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0042 |
TEL | 03-6231-7636 |
If you are interested in business transactions or request media coverage, Please feel free to contact us below.
Kitchen staff wanted
Start with easy tasks
Hourly pay | Please contact us |
Work hours | 10:00〜19:00 ・3 or more times a week |
Transportation expenses provided Experience preferred |
Contact information | 03-6231-7636 |
Our bakery has become a movie
Pelican:74 Years of Japanese Tradition
プロデューサー ⽯原 弘之 監督 内⽥ 俊太郎
プロデューサー ⽯原 弘之 監督 内⽥ 俊太郎